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Objective CES 2024

30 startups fully invited

Call for applications is now opened!

Apply now!

High-rise Buildings

Africa Moves, ​international ​event platform

Africa Moves gathers leaders, ​startups and other African and ​international innovation actors in a ​series of exceptional annual, ​impactful events organized every ​year in a different country ​throughout Africa and the world.

Ou​r events

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Man Raising Right Hand

Our events

2 Big Events, 1 exclusive event, a series of thematic events, 1 Business Tour and 1 Big Intro Tour

the big summit

africa moves

your city





govtech days

fintech days


the big intro tour

THE BUsiness tour

ambassadors summit

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High-rise Buildings

Objective CES

Objective CES is a program aimed at ​effectively and internationally promoting ​startups from Africa and the diaspora at the ​most famous and influential tech show of the ​world, the Las Vegas CES (Consumer ​Electronic Show) which takes place in the ​USA. Objective CES, it's :

Apply now!

30 selected ​african ​startups

1 all-expenses-​paid trip to las ​vegas

1 booth at ​the las vegas ​ces offered

1 comprehensive ​program

1 partnering ​investment ​fund

1 post-ces ​follow-up

Plus Math

an all-expenses paid trip and a booth at the the big africa moves summit in tunis in sept.2023

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Happy business team

Why does Africa Moves ​takes African startups to ​the Las Vegas CES ?

The CES offers extraordinary business and investment ​opportunities. With 200.000 visitors, over 15.000 ​international investors and thousands of media present, ​taking part to this show is a unique chance to develop ​strategic partnerships with international distributors, ​buyers and manufacturers, as well as to have a visibility on ​a global scale and to find funds.


01, 4-7/2024

Las Vegas, USA

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Man Raising Right Hand

Comprehensive program and coaching, ​before, during and after the show

If you are selected you will benefit from a comprehensive support program, in addition to your travel expenses and a booth in the CES Eurêka Park (and in the Big Africa Moves Summit in Tunis):

before the show

  • Help with preparation and ​logistic organization
  • Flight, shuttle and hotel ​booking
  • Goals definition
  • 12 months training and ​coaching program
  • Communication and PR ​preparation
  • Communication actions
  • Pre-visit guide

during the show

  • Reception and guidance ​right from the airport
  • Provision of a roadbook
  • Group briefing during ​breakfasts
  • Daily support
  • Provision of a dedicated ​booth
  • Group debriefing at the end ​of each day

after the show

  • Report
  • Participation certificate
  • Follow-up on impact
Successful African Woman
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Man Raising Right Hand

"Objective CES 2024": schedule

call for ​applications​

Monday the 21st of November, 2022

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Tuesday the 28th of February 2023

clOSURE Of the call ​for applications

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annoncement of ​the selected ​startups

Revolutionary Black Man with Megaphone

Monday the 6th of March, 2023

beginning of the ​coaching and ​training program

Black Gymnast Standing Out From the Crowd

Monday the 13th of March, 2023

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to the big africa ​move​s summit

From Monday the 25th

to Friday the 29th of ​September, 2023 in Tunis

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to the C​ES

From Thursday the 4th t​o Sunday the 7th of J​anuary, 2024

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Monday the 22nd of ​January, 2024

See you at the next ​Objective CES!

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Happy business team

Would you like to apply ​and win your place at the ​2024 Las Vegas CES?

Call for applications is now available. Apply before 28/02/2023. Good luck!


May 9th, 2022

Get ready!

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Man In Suit Jacket Standing Beside Projector Screen

Our partners

Objective CES brings together several partners' expertises, all dedicated to training and coaching startups ​from Africa and the diaspora to lead them to success on a global scale.


Entrepreneurship & ​Diversity Network

Entrepreneurial solidarity ​association

Panafrican incubator ​network

Accelerate Africa

Solal Events

Event and ​communication ​partner

To become Africa Moves' partner, please contact us:

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pencil on paper with desk telphone and notebook


AND FOLLOW US on social networks!

For more info, please contact us or follow us:

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The World Moves - Africa Moves

20-22 Wenlock Road, London N1 7GU, UK

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